Since its establishment in 2020

  • December 28, 2020
    • OnlyOwner Technology Limited Incorporated in Hong Kong, China.
  • 2021
    • OnlyOwner Technology Limited has submitted a number of invention patent applications to the Intellectual Property Department of the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the State Intellectual Property Office, with application numbers of 32021043014.8, 32021043015.5, 22021043018.1, 22021043016.5, 202111438582.8 and 202111438791.2.
  • October 2021
    • OnlyOwner Technology Limited launched the first generation of personal information security products based on the national secret algorithm -- OnlyOwner.
  • January 2022
    • OnlyOwner Technology Limited opened the global recruitment of agents.
  • August 2022
    • OnlyOwner Technology Limited donated HK $5 million to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for the technical research on the topic of "on business applications and development of cryptography and technologies on devices".
  • August 2022
    • Two short-term patents applied by OnlyOwner Technology Limited to the Intellectual Property Department of the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region were approved, with patent numbers of hk30059084 and hk30059107.